Dating back to Japan’s Heian period (classical Japan), the nine schools making up the Bujinkan system includes the application of dozens of traditional bladed Samurai and Ninja weapons employed in small-to-large scale battles. Some of these traditional weapons taught include tachi (longer calvary sword), Dai Katana, Tsurugi, katana (pre-edo period long sword), kodachi (shoto/short word), tantō (knife), Naginata, Kyoketsu-Shoge, Kusarigama, Shuriken, tessen (iron fan), shuko (hand claws) and more.

Acting as an extension to the body/mind, these tools help practitioners develop advanced spatiotemporal awareness and a keen sense of timing.
Among others, the battle tested 12th century Togakure ryu and 14th century Kukishin school’s provide comprehensive curriculum’s of traditional Samurai sword and blade fighting tactics.
Typically, versions made out of wood are employed to safely learn proper distance, timing, angles, and more before moving on to blunted steel versions. Advanced practitioners may engage in Tameshigiri (cutting practice) seminars.